The Secular Helping People Alliance "SHPA" serves to match qualified coaches, mental healthprofessionals, and meditation teachers (generally referred to herein as "coaches") with members ofsecular communities who wish to utilize these services.
The Secular Helping People Alliance "SHPA" serves to match qualified coaches, mental health professionals,and meditation teachers (generally referred to herein as "coaches") with members of secular communitieswho wish to utilize these services.
The SHPA has worked in secular, atheist, agnostic, humanist, nontheist, None, and skeptic communitiessince 1991. These communities share a common denominator. Members of secular communities tend tobe evidence-based decision makers who are generally skeptical of extraordinary claims that lack verifiableevidence or require faith in assumptions, including but not limited to assumptions and claims about theexistence of the supernatural, the afterlife, God, or gods.
Generally, if you are a qualified coach, we would love to work with you and introduce you to clients whomatch your expertise. We require that SHPA-certified coaches, mental health professionals, and meditationteachers who mentor our members are qualified, experienced, licensed, or certified in their respectivefields of expertise by recognized institutions.
However, we also require SHPA-certified coaches to understand and utilize the Life Trajectory process andbe sensitive to secular people's needs and perspectives. All coaches who work with our members orprospective members must agree to take our training classes and pass the qualifying exam. Our coachesagree not to refer to, try to convince, or proselytize clients to believe in God, gods, the afterlife, or thesupernatural. We ask that coaches not discourage people from utilizing evidence-based decision-makingin favor of faith-based decision-making.
Coaches who are qualified and abide by our standards will be certified by the SHPA with the "LTCC" (LifeTrajectory Certified Coach) designation.
LTCC Certification Process:ā¢ Submit information form, CV, etc., below.ā¢ Agree to abide by SHPA rules, standards, and commission share guidelines, accept agreement.ā¢ Register for our two-hour online training class, Life Trajectory Work and Working with the SecularCommunity [calendar].ā¢ Pay $350 onetime fee ($99 annual membership fee, $251 training fee),ā¢ When approved complete the training class.ā¢ Pass the exam.ā¢ Receive notification that your profile is complete and acknowledgement you are ready to receiveclients.
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