Why secular? We rely on verifiable evidence, not faith-based assumptions, to live a great life. Help others, build a lasting legacy, and use secular meditationā€”free from religious, supernatural, and pseudoscientific beliefs.

Register as
a Meditation Center

Register as a Meditation Center

The Secular Helping People Alliance “SHPA” serves to match meditation centers with members of secular communities who wish to learn how to meditate. The SHPA has worked in secular, atheist, agnostic, humanist, nontheist, and skeptic communities since 1991. These communities share a similar worldview. Members of secular communities tend to be evidence-based decision makers who are generally skeptical of extraordinary claims that lack verifiable evidence or require faith in assumptions, including but not limited to assumptions and claims about the existence of the supernatural, the afterlife, God, or gods. We, therefore, only promote meditation centers that teach secular forms of meditation and do not refer to the supernatural or try to convince students that faith in God, gods, spirits, or the afterlife is required for the practice of meditation. If your meditation center meets these criteria or can honor these requirements and can facilitate teaching meditation to the secular community, we would love to speak with your center. Please set an appointment here to speak with us further.

Register as a Certified Secular Meditation Center (Free)

Most meditation centers promote supernatural beliefs based on faith rather than verifiable evidence, with some falsely branding their techniques as scientific. True science relies on testable, empirical evidence, not faith in the supernatural. Registering as a Certified Secular Meditation Center ranks your center with a “How Secular Are You?” score, attracting communities that value science and evidence-based practices.